ive got nothing much to say about my old boring dull life. its been a pretty boring week?. been getting introuble pretty much in art. every single lesson the teacher just picks on me eventhough if i did my work ill still get introuble so what the fuck is the point of me to do the fucking work. i dunno, i hvnt like got pissed at the teachers just been keeping it in which is good. hope it stays like this all the way coz i dun wan to fight back againts these teachers coz ill just get busted even more.
I feel so fucking weak today. after school went home slept woke up feeling dead but i was awake. didnt feel like doing anything or anything which involves me moving. i dunno what is up but yeah, oh wellllllls maybe im just tired from running in the fucking jungle in PE.
"bah adangtah, alum lagi ku puas hati sama kau ani tapikan aku bersabar sja, walaupun pagi2 aku bangun aku pikir sal kau whether if i should or not. tapikan ku biarkan sja sal apajua kalau ku memuaskan hati ku wah arah kau? apajua ku dapat dari aatu. nasib jua ko ani aku bepikir wah mun inda wah mati ko." Your just another hater on my list.
cant wait till new years, need to start a new good fresh year =] hopefully is all gooooood. time to enjoy life. anyways thats all imma say i guess.
DAMAI sja!